Aboitiz Foundation Philippine Scholarship and Financial Assistance

Aboitiz Foundation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for All Levels | Philippine Scholarship

The Aboitiz Foundation is happy to extend financial assistance and offer scholarships to students from all levels in any situation who have excelled in their academics but need scholarships or financial assistance in order to complete their education. If you are one of the Filipino students who is experiencing financial difficulty finishing education but is smart enough to excel in your studies, please visit or email the Aboitiz Foundation office!


You are encouraged to choose college courses or receive a diploma to help you find a better job within the Aboitiz Group of companies after graduation such as accountancy, management, psychology, and engineering.


The foundation also accepts applications from students in pre-school, elementary, high school and college levels.



It started with the legacy of Don Ramon Aboitiz who gave donations to needy communities and various groups. The act of philanthropy has been continued by the heirs since then.


In 1988, the Aboitiz Foundation became its arm in helping move the social and economic development needs of the marginalized members of the society but it focused only on education, enterprise development, environment and health and wellbeing although they are always ready to send some kindness to anyone in need in times of calamities.


However, the foundation carefully selects projects that would help further and make it possible to reach its goals moving forward.


Senior High School Student Scholarship Grants


The applicant must be an incoming Grade 11 student of a public high school with a final average grade of not lower than 88% GPA. No failing or incomplete grades. Must not be in any disciplinary action at present or in the past.


Fill out the form and submit the requirements listed below on or before deadline.

  • Fully accomplished application form
  • Certified true copy of the high school report card
  • Certifications supporting leadership experience, awards received, and involvements in extracurricular activities


For the high school financial assistance, the following eligibility criteria must be observed:

  • Be a valedictorian of a public elementary school in Cebu province
  • Have a general average of at least 90%
  • Be willing to enroll in a public high school
  • Must have fully completed and submitted all application requirements on time
  • Must pass the qualifying examination administered by Aboitiz Foundation


Those who are interested to apply may submit their high school requirements together with their application at the Aboitiz Foundation. See the list below

  • A fully accomplished form with 2×2 colored photo
  • Certified true copy of elementary report card (Form 138)
  • Original certification from the School Principal that the applicant is the batch valedictorian
  • Photocopies of supporting documents indicating leadership experience, awards received, and involvements in extracurricular activities

Download the PDF here




College Scholarship Grants

College students wanting to avail the Aboitiz College Scholarship program must pass the following eligibility requirements

  • Be a full time first to fourth year incoming student of a partner college or university
  • Pursue a degree in accountancy, business or management or finance
  • Purse a degree in IT, engineering, communications or social sciences (psychology, economics, and political science)
  • Have a final grade not lower than 85% GPA
  • No failing or incomplete grade
  • No record of any form of disciplinary action


Kindly fill up the application form and submit the following documents to start the processing

  • Certified true copy of the high school report card for incoming first year applicants
  • Certified true copy of the applicant’s college transcript for all undergraduate course work, ending with the grades from the last semester (or the latest official document the school can provide)
  • Certification from the School Principal or Registrar stating the final average grade or the overall cumulative GPA/ GWA, include the percentage equivalent grade
  • Certification supporting leadership experience, awards received, and community involvements

More information, http://aboitizfoundation.org/programs/education



College Scholarship Grants

College students wanting to avail the Aboitiz College Scholarship program must pass the following eligibility requirements

  • Be a full time first to fourth year incoming student of a partner college or university
  • Pursue a degree in accountancy, business or management or finance
  • Purse a degree in IT, engineering, communications or social sciences (psychology, economics, and political science)
  • Have a final grade not lower than 85% GPA
  • No failing or incomplete grade
  • No record of any form of disciplinary action


Kindly fill up the application form and submit the following documents to start the processing

  • Certified true copy of the high school report card for incoming first year applicants
  • Certified true copy of the applicant’s college transcript for all undergraduate course work, ending with the grades from the last semester (or the latest official document the school can provide)
  • Certification from the School Principal or Registrar stating the final average grade or the overall cumulative GPA/ GWA, include the percentage equivalent grade
  • Certification supporting leadership experience, awards received, and community involvements


More information, http://aboitizfoundation.org/programs/education



Other programs

With the partnership of the Department of Education (DepEd), the foundation also gives financial assistance to students wanting to study under the Special Science and Technical Vocational Education. The Aboitiz Foundation created the Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) and Technical-Vocational (TechVoc) high schools.


Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)

The SSES curriculum provides enriched Mathematics and Science studies but emphasizes on longer teaching time for Science. Students are given laboratory rooms, science apparatuses, and equipment, ICT-based learning resources, as well as science, math, English textbooks, and supplementary materials.

Technical Vocational Education (TechVoc)

TechVoc was created by the Aboitiz Foundation as an alternative solution for high school students who don’t have the means and lack the ability to pursue a college education. It includes teaching skills students may need to find employment or even part-time work so they may be able to continue and support further studies.


TechVoc students are provided either newly constructed or refurbished workshop rooms, reference books, tools and equipment.




Submit your application to

Aboitiz Foundation Corporate Center

Gov. Manuel A. Cuenco Avenue

Kasambagan, Cebu City 6000, Cebu, Philippines

Telephone: (032) 411 1800

Fax: (032) 231 4037



Manila Office

NAC Tower, 32nd Street Bonifaction Global City

1634 Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines

Telephone: (02) 886 2800

Email: aboitizfoundation@aboitiz.org